Sunday, April 1, 2007

Visa is a four-letter word!

Well, I have had a period of ups and downs trying to sort out my visa. But I have learnt that when one door closes, another one opens. This is particularly true of my ongoing visa struggle this week. The long and the short of it is this: the way my current visa application stands, I won't start work until October! By that time I will be broke and hungry. I thought that I was at the end of the line and was thinking that maybe I would have to go back to New Zealand and try it again in about a year's time. This is not something that I wanted to do, but it seemed inevitable - I didn't really have any other option.
And then, I bumped into the owner of the McDonald's restaurant in the supermarket and she told me that there is a McDonald's trainee programme that I would be eligible for. Under this trainee programme I could effectively continue my management development from where I left off in New Zealand, and as it is a trainee programme it falls under a different visa category. I have done some research of my own and this trainee programme would allow me to stay here for up to 18 months, and I could possible have a visa in about eight weeks. When I found this out I could have kicked myself: why didn't I discover this before? But then again, I had investigated many options, and we had closed the McDonald's door, so it is probably little wonder that I didn't find this out.
I'm still trying to digest it all: it all has happened very quickly. And I think because we had previously shelved the option of working at McDonald's, it is taking me a little getting used to the idea that now the McDonald's door is open again. I left McDonald's New Zealand on a really positive note, but now when I think about the possibility of working at McDonald's here, I have mixed memories of my previous work at McDonald's. Am I ready to go back to supervising fickle staff who are temperamental at the best of times? Am I ready to be called into work on my days off? Do I want to go back to being a little piece in the big corporate jigsaw puzzle? Do I really want to slave my guts out for what was a thankless job at the best of times?
The thing that I really must recognise is this: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I have the chance to work and stay here - guaranteed work and visa for the next 18 months. And I want to stay here. Perhaps this is my last option if I want to stay here at this time. So if I don't take it, I'm a fool. And as for McDonald's second time around, (well, third time around actually) maybe this time I might be able to call some of the shots.

1 comment:

Ryan and Mez said...

Fab news that you've got a job Rob. And a Visa for that matter. McDs might be the right place for you now. Gets you in the door to employment and staying in the country at least at most who knows, they might surprise you.
