Tuesday, February 6, 2007


The long and the short of it:
taking 3 and a half hours to play a one hour long game has got whiskers on it!!!! By the fourth quarter, I was BORED!
However, the super-bowl is a huge American sporting tradition so I had to join in! And the game itself is fun! I'm still not quite sure how it all works (what the hell does "fourth and goal" mean??) but still it was quite cool. The only downside for me was the fact that the game was soooo drawn out. (Time-out again??!!! Another f*ing commercial break??!!) The game is an hour long - BUT IT TAKES THEM 3-1/2 HOURS TO PLAY IT!!! I'm curious, though do they still show the super-bowl in Australia. I wondered whether Douglas was taking the whole morning off work just to watch the game. Here are a few pics of the game...


Chris said...

As my friends from Massachusetts (sp?) and New York tell me, "The Superbowl is just one big excuse to eat nachos and drink beer."


DaLlAs said...

I am hearing exactly what you say here Rob... For a game that could be quite quick from start to finish, the Yanks tend to take a long time to finish it!
I also did like the Romans and hosted a Super Bowl party with the obligatory Nachos, Beer (and in my instance) 7 other international students... If you think understanding the Super Bowl is hard in the first instance, try achieving it with a Philipino, a Korean, Two Guys from the UAE an girl from Japan an Indian and two Canadians... It made for a ver interesting evening.