Well, today was absolutely beautiful! The skies cleared and the sun came out! So, I think that has made a bit of a liar out of me - the sun does shine, it's just that there are quite a few cloudy days! There has been heaps of snow, though, and I have had to learn how to shovel snow off the stiars and deck at our place... It's not my favourite task, but hey, it has to be done. My neighbour Lisa has taken me on a few walks around the area; it's definitely a good way to get out and about, and Lisa knows some beautiful spots. Brian and I also went on a walk through a park with heaps of totem poles throughout. It was very cool - the toem poles
all have various animals carved into them and they all have a certain significance. I particularly like one pole which had a whale, a frog, a fox and a bear carved into it. Most of these poles that I saw stand on the sight where the Tlingit Indians battled the Russians some hundreds of years ago... I am discovering more and more of the history of the place, which I intend to include in a future blog.
Oh, and I have also learned two Tlingit words:
"tlei-tlee" which means 'limp' and
"tuk" which means 'bum'.